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sehr alte antike Heiligenfigur Sandsteinstatue, Skulptur, Statue

ca. 300 Jahre alte Sandsteinstatue mit Sockel - Maria mit Kind, Gesamtgröße ca. 3m
Lieferung kann organisiert werden! Preis 25.000,- Euro

Sehr selten und nicht denkmalgeschützt



Grenzstein, Steinpoller von 1821 Königreich Bayern

verkaufe hier sehr alten Grenzstein der das Königreich Bayern und das Großherzogtum hessen trennte! eine echte Rarität, äußerst selten!!!

100cm hoch Seitenmaß 35cm



Eisenstatue von Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)

A Soviet oversize iron sculpture of Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov,) standing in typical pose holding a notebook and pencil in suit and waistcoat, on a rectangular raised plinth.

This large and well-cast sculpture of Lenin is a fine example of the iconography which was prevalent in the previous Soviet states, and most likely will have been in a prominent position in a public place in one of the ex-Soviets major cities.

This statue is probably one of the last originals in such a perfect condition on the private market, so this seems to be the last chance, to get hold of such an original with historic background!

there were build just 4 pices

1. statue in pilsen - is still in pilsen (town in czech republik)
2. Statue in beroun - is in beroun in museum
3. Statue in Horovice (city near Beroun) - this could be this one!!
4. Statue in Zakupy - was a present to the sowjet troops, and they took it back home to russia

Iron statue: about 6,8ft ( weight: about 2,5 tonne )


艺术家:Vladimir Kyn(布拉格美术学院)

作品名称:《Statue of Lenin 列宁雕塑》





on request


huge bronze Stalin


Extremly rare!

For sale: Huge historic statue of JOSEF STALIN, russian dictator 1927-1953.

This statue, made of bronze, is in a perfect condition, it overcame the destructiveness of similar statues by people after opening the boarders in 1989. This statue comes originally from Czech Republic, Litomerice, where it was auctioned officially by the city many years ago!

Artist: Bradacek-Kyselka 1953, LIL Zukov 1954

This statue is probably one of the last originals in such a perfect condition on the private market, so this seems to be the last chance, to get hold of such an original with historic background!

Height of pedestal: about 2,8ft ( weight: about 8 tonnes )

Bronze statue: about 11ft ( weight: about 1 tonne )





